Sign up

You can sign up here for participation in the CO₂ Performance Ladder.

Please contact us if you're having trouble filling out this form.

Company details

Chamber of Commerce number or company registration number

Mail address:

Contact details

Billing details
Your invoice will be created based on this information

Billing address:

You hereby declare that you have entered all data truthfully, accurately and completely and that you will update these data as they change for the entire duration of your CO2-Prestatieladder certification.

The data provided above is accurate. SKAO will periodically check this information and retains the right to implement measures should this infomation prove inaccurate.

In case of payment arrears, the SKAO has the right to remove the organisation page from the SKAO website. The result is that a positive ladder assessment is not feasible from level 3 because the 45 organisation does not meet the compulsory internet publication requirement. The SKAO will inform the Ladder CI about this, after which the Ladder CI must take action regarding the organisation.
